- What makes you an excellent lawyer? -I love the law.I'm excel at practicing. -What do you love about the law,Andrew? -Is that every now and again...not often but occasionally...you get to be a part of...justice being done.That really is...quite a thrill when the happens…… "When I see the light I know I'll be all right……"
1959年的经典黑白片两个多小时一点都不枯燥里边的美国法律概念很有意思也只有在美国这样的国家杀了人能被陪审团判无罪~~ 涉案几位人物看起来都不是好鸟曼森极易妒忌他的漂亮老婆却又放荡风骚到处兜搭男淫被打死的酒吧老板则是十足的wolf但是又对自己私生女有这柔情一面
" Raging Bull " So, for the second time, [ the Pharisees ] summoned the man who had been blind and said: "Speak the truth before God. We know this fellow is a sinner." "Whether or not he is a sinner, I do not know," the man replied. "All I know is this: once I was blind and now I can see." -- John IX, 24-26, the New English Bible